Your information is incorrect about Diamond Storage. OpenZeppelin has stated that they plan to use Diamond Storage in their next major version of OpenZeppelin here: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/issues/2964#issuecomment-1068278307

The Trail of Bits article refers to an older version of an implementation of the Diamond Standard which has since been updated. An article addresses all the concerns brought up by Trail of Bits here: https://eip2535diamonds.substack.com/p/poorly-written-trail-of-bits-article

There are many projects using EIP-2535, which is the Diamond Standard. Some of the projects can be found here: https://github.com/mudgen/awesome-diamonds#projects-using-diamonds

The louper.dev website counts 3,424 diamonds deployed so far.

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Hi Nick, thanks reading my post! I was referring to a more recent OZ comment on 2022-11-07 regarding support for Diamond Storages in OZ: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/issues/2793#issuecomment-1306570468

However, it looks like adoption for the Diamond Standard is increasing exponentially! I’ve updated the blog post to reflect the awesome links that you’ve shared.

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Thanks for sharing another informative article. Eagerly awaiting for future noop articles!

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